feeling: The current mood of kayriah at www.imood.com

eating: smarties!!!
wanting: a laptop
thinking: about hot guys...
seeing: my homework - undone
hearing: You're So Vain by someone Its been stuck in my head all day and it's about to annoy me...
reading:The Realms of The Gods by Tamora Pierce

...what is it with men and asking for directions?...

...just keep swimming...

Stalk Me

101 Things
Friday and Monday

Dusty Bookshelf

My Photo Gallery

Icy Black Hole-This is by me!
Faint-Linkin Park
Let it Be-Beatles
Remember Me-Hoobastank
Rock Star Poser-N.E.R.D.
Where is the Love?-Black Eyed Peas
Harder to Breath-Maroon 5
What Would You Do?-City High
Same Direction-Hoobastank




February 20, 2004 Friday Five @ 3:31 p.m. on 2004-02-21

Whoops! I forgot to do my friday five yesterday because I was kinda really sick and busy and stuff so it will be a saturday six or something. J/K I'll just pretend like it was yesterday...

When was the last time you...

1. ...went to the doctor?

Today actually. Cuz I'm sick.

2. ...went to the dentist?

A while ago actually! I can't remember it. Prolly 9 or 10 months ago. Thank God I don't get that many caveties.

3. ...filled your gas tank?

If I could drive it would have been...

4. ...got enough sleep?

Hmmm..oh yeah! There was that time in '92 when my mom was rocking me to sleep and I wouldn't sleep so she took me in the car and I fell right to sleep. I slept like a baby that night...guess it helps that I was a baby...

5. ...backed up your computer?

Hmmm...Actually that one was pretty recent. I think it was like 4 months ago. Well, not that recent but it wasn't like a YEAR. I remember. It was during the summer and I backed up our WHOLE computer. And my mom, being a teacher, took almost 18 disks!!!!!

There, that wasn't so bad. I think I did fine pretending that it was yesterday. It's easy as long as you *would have said in spongebob voice if wasn't sick* USE YOUR IMAGINATION. lol


Last 5:
Luck... - 2004-12-12
A Series of Unfortunate Events v. Me - 2004-12-10
The Color War - 2004-10-19
Bite Me...wait...dont... - 2004-10-17
OMG!!!! - 2004-10-16

*HUGS* TOTAL! give ivegotwings more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

I adopted a cute lil' cow fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!