feeling: The current mood of kayriah at www.imood.com

eating: smarties!!!
wanting: a laptop
thinking: about hot guys...
seeing: my homework - undone
hearing: You're So Vain by someone Its been stuck in my head all day and it's about to annoy me...
reading:The Realms of The Gods by Tamora Pierce

...what is it with men and asking for directions?...

...just keep swimming...

Stalk Me

101 Things
Friday and Monday

Dusty Bookshelf

My Photo Gallery

Icy Black Hole-This is by me!
Faint-Linkin Park
Let it Be-Beatles
Remember Me-Hoobastank
Rock Star Poser-N.E.R.D.
Where is the Love?-Black Eyed Peas
Harder to Breath-Maroon 5
What Would You Do?-City High
Same Direction-Hoobastank




A Series of Unfortunate Events v. Me @ 10:11 a.m. on 2004-12-10

This week just keeps on getting better and better. My life keeps getting better and better...or not...Today was horrible. I got a C+ on my science test. Holy fuck! This may sound really retarted but you don't understand. We were given THE EXACT same test from homework the night before. And he said, "Study this and you'll do fine on the test." It had like 6 problems, no joke. You just had to draw 6 diagrams and explain the workings of the circuits in those drawings. It was so easy and I bombed it. One less careless error and my grade would have at least been bad not HORRIBLE. I hate science. Which is ironicbecause my mom used to teach it. Coincedence? I think not... And Lisa is Juliana's partner for that HUGE project due in january, less than a month away. So I have no partner. Juliana told me she really wanted to be with me. I could tell she wasn't lieing, she was sincere. But I still don't have a partner. This is just crap now. The thing that makes me the maddest is that Lisa only asked Juliana because she's smart. I'm actually friends with her. AARGH! And the test TODAY I bombed as well so SCREW THIS...

Apparently Anna is a slut now. She's had her nipples sucked twice in one week. She is also 13. That's fucked up.

My mom almost dies last night. Don't worry, she's fine now. There was a car crash in her lane and the car spun out of control and crashed just a couple feet in front of her. She was so shaken. No one cried. No one talked. It all just disappeard like mist out onto an ocean. But it really scared me. I'm all creeped out.

I need new clothes. My brown cords wore down and I got a hole in the butt from wearing them so much and so long. So I wore my sweatshirt around my waist all day even though it was freezing mostly the whole time and I got kinda sick from it all.

The bus people freaked out when the bus was full and we all had to write our names on a piece of paper and give it to the bus driver. I hope they don't get made at me for not checking off the boxes (meaning we're not really paying for the bus)...

I almost got kicked out of school a couple days ago. Apparently, Yavneh was not sending the money for my tuition to the right place so they cancled my account at Wick. But I think it's all ok now...

Kevin got an amazing offer to work on a movie. I can't say which movie because it's against something but I don't remember what. Only his family can know and I can't tell the title to any of my friends or anyone. It's such a big movie that no one can know what it is. But even though my family wants him to take it, he's finishing college instead. STUPID.



Last 5:
Luck... - 2004-12-12
A Series of Unfortunate Events v. Me - 2004-12-10
The Color War - 2004-10-19
Bite Me...wait...dont... - 2004-10-17
OMG!!!! - 2004-10-16

*HUGS* TOTAL! give ivegotwings more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

I adopted a cute lil' cow fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!