feeling: The current mood of kayriah at www.imood.com

eating: smarties!!!
wanting: a laptop
thinking: about hot guys...
seeing: my homework - undone
hearing: You're So Vain by someone Its been stuck in my head all day and it's about to annoy me...
reading:The Realms of The Gods by Tamora Pierce

...what is it with men and asking for directions?...

...just keep swimming...

Stalk Me

101 Things
Friday and Monday

Dusty Bookshelf

My Photo Gallery

Icy Black Hole-This is by me!
Faint-Linkin Park
Let it Be-Beatles
Remember Me-Hoobastank
Rock Star Poser-N.E.R.D.
Where is the Love?-Black Eyed Peas
Harder to Breath-Maroon 5
What Would You Do?-City High
Same Direction-Hoobastank




just keep swimming...

2004-12-12 - Luck...
2004-12-10 - A Series of Unfortunate Events v. Me
2004-10-19 - The Color War
2004-10-17 - Bite Me...wait...dont...
2004-10-16 - OMG!!!!
2004-10-14 - Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes
2004-10-11 - oh lord...
2004-10-11 - Hispanic Gangster...
2004-10-10 - Whoops...kinda forgot to update...HEEHEE
2004-10-19 - OMG...
2004-10-6 - *sneeze*
2004-10-5 - ACHOO
2004-10-05 - Freak Test Ideas
2004-10-05 - FREAK TEST
2004-10-04 - AwKwArDnEsS...
2004-10-04 - Finding George-O
2004-10-03 - Finding Nemo Quotes
2004-10-03 - Trick-or-Treat
2004-10-03 - QUOTES
2004-10-03 - Creepy Charlotte
2004-10-03 - Sooo Busy
2004-10-01 - Awkwardness On & Off Switch...
2004-09-29 - He's Terribly Dull
2004-09-28 - Oh How I Wish to Write Lies
2004-09-25 - HIGHper...HAHAHAHAHA
2004-09-25 - Past Profiles
2004-09-24 - Hugs, Bitch, and Crap
2004-09-23 - Brilliant Quotes said by Yours Truly
2004-09-21 - My Favorite Words
2004-09-20 - How Can I Write A HW Piece About What I Struggle With When the Very Thing I Struggle With is Being Afraid to Share What I Challenges Me?
2004-09-19 - Friends Are the Greatest
2004-09-15 - Staring, Kate, Auditions SUCKED
2004-09-14 - WOAH. What the Hell's Going On?
2004-09-13 - The First Day of School...
2004-09-12 - A Long Convo with Kate!
2004-09-11 - September 11 again...
2004-09-10 - 9th Orientation POOL PARTY
2004-09-9 - First Day Orientation
2004-09-08 - 9th Grade Bonfire and *worries*
2004-09-07 - If you were a movie...P-O-Y
2004-09-07 - Hello Cloud
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings R
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings Q
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings P
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings N
2004-09-06 - DiaryringsM
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings L
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings K
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings J
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings I
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings H
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings G
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings F
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings E
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings D
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings C
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings B
2004-09-06 - Diaryrings A
2004-09-05 - Diaryrings???
2004-09-04 - Trading Spaces
2004-09-04 - Hatred
2004-09-04 - How pathetic to live on character romances...
2004-09-04 - An, ahem, interest little entry here...
2004-09-04 - What I Hate About You
2004-09-03 - I'm such a dork I'm gonna cry
2004-08-31 - Unlate Boredness
2004-08-29 - QUICK ENTRY
2004-08-26 - And another 27 days dammit!
2004-07-29 - 58 DAYS HOLY FUCKING CRAP
2004-05-31 - Self Esteema!
2004-05-31 - Depression of the me
2004-05-18 - BRB
2004-05-07 - May 7, 2004 Friday Five
2004-05-05 - Wow...today was eventful...
2004-05-04 - Shortest EVER
2004-05-04 - I got married today...
2004-05-03 - May 3, 2004 Monday Mutters
2004-05-03 - A WHOLE buncha stuff
2004-05-02 - Clean at last!
2004-04-30 - Leaving for mah CHURCH TRIP!! :)
2004-04-29 - A WEBSITE?????
2004-04-28 - Our stupid fieldtrip, the genius 5th grade class, and...LONGING
2004-04-26 - April 26, 2004 Monday Mutters
2004-04-25 - I'm baaaaaaaaaack!
2004-03-21 - I was surprised - BULLSHIT!
2004-03-20 - Love Crazy at the Wrong Time
2004-03-19 - Are you a good stalker?
2004-03-18 - Love Sucks Ass
2004-03-16 - My life summed up...
2004-03-08 - March 8, 2004 Monday Mutters
2004-03-05 - March 5, 2004 Friday Five
2004-03-01 - March 1, 2004 Monday Mutters
2004-03-08 - February 27, 2004 Friday Five
2004-02-23 - February 23, 2004 Monday Mutters
2004-02-21 - February 20, 2004 Friday Five
2004-02-21 - Proud Count, Queer Quont
2004-02-20 - ITS YOUR GENES
2004-02-19 - Layouts. So much to do so little time
2004-02-18 - stuff
2004-02-17 - FUCK OFF CORONA
2004-02-16 - February 16, 2004 Monday Mutters
2004-02-15 - I'm feelin low...
2004-02-14 - Catch up...
2004-02-13 - February 13, 2004 Friday Five
2004-02-09 - QUIZZIES 6
2004-02-09 - Special Quizzies
2004-02-09 - February 9, 2004 Monday Mutterings
2004-02-09 - All QUIZZIES!
2004-02-08 - QUIZZIE PAGE 5
2004-02-07 - QUIZZIE PAGE 4
2004-02-06 - February 6, 2004 Friday Five
2004-02-05 - QUIZZIE PAGE 3
2004-02-04 - QUIZZIE PAGE 2
2004-02-03 - QUIZZIE PAGE 1
2004-02-02 - Monday Mutters and Friday Five
2004-02-01 - February 2, 2004 Monday Mutterings
2004-02-01 - Lookie I've Got Glasses
2004-02-01 - An Interesting Dance
2004-01-31 - Sorry for the Inconvenience...that's spelled wrong i can feel it
2004-01-30 - January 30, 2004 Friday Five
2004-01-29 - Ummm
2004-01-28 - Lookie I've Got Disorders
2004-01-26 - January 26, 2004 Monday Mutterings
2004-01-25 - A Second Interesting Sleepover
2004-01-24 - An Interesting Sleepover
2004-01-23 - An Interesting Day
2004-01-22 - An interesting talk with Kate
2004-01-21 - Fucking Chinchillas
2004-01-20 - I hate fucking finals
2004-01-19 - Dusty Bookshelf
2004-01-19 - Kinda Mean = Kinda Fun
2004-01-18 - hellonastick
2004-01-17 - Why my life suck life hell on a stick
2004-01-06 - Funny Google Hits
2004-01-06 - 101 Things About ME!
2004-01-06 - I hope it will grow...
2004-01-06 - Stupid tv...
2003-12-24 - Christmas Eve WOOHOO
2003-12-23 - I think I should start some stuff
2003-12-22 - Not going to the CoE party, seeing RotK, and meeting Aunt Sharon
2003-12-19 - Xmas decos, brother being nice????, dad being sick. so confused...
2003-12-19 - how much has changed...
2003-12-19 - just a bit tipsy today
2003-12-16 - Time
2003-12-15 - iM BORED
2003-12-16 - That 70's Show
2003-12-14 - ..:!*^CaSt^*!:..
2003-12-11 - Finally a GOOD DAY!
2003-12-11 - Am I annoying
2003-12-11 - CONFUSION
2003-12-10 - Im even less popular than I thought...
2003-12-09 - I hate having my mom as a teacher. OMFG!
2003-12-09 - Three Kinds of People
2003-12-08 - Stepping into a Hellpit
2003-11-15 - Who likes who in this pathetic middle school
2003-11-10 - Im a total bitch right now *smiles*
2003-11-08 - I'm not going to write every day wether u like it or not.